To create an inclusive ecosystem that is rooted in awareness and problem-solving and empowers learners with innovation.
To make education learner-centric by promoting hands-on, experiential teaching and learning methods.

Who We Are?
True to its name, Navam (that translates to “New” in English) stands for and by novel ideas, learning methods and opportunities. We believe that these new ideas are forged through experiential and hands-on teaching and learning. These will hold the key to harnessing the true potential of learners.
Navam was incorporated in 2021 as a Sec 8 Co. It will be working in partnership with Agastya International Foundation, a leader in large-scale hands-on education programs, in promoting and spreading science education for economically disadvantaged school children and teachers. Navam builds on the principles laid down by Agastya to ensure quality and affordable learning for all.
Navam’s initiatives are designed to kindle the spirit of curiosity and innovation among all learners worldwide - irrespective of whether they are a child or an adult.
What do we offer?
Through our programs, we aim to promote learning methods that contribute to creating an environment in which all learners feel equally valued. We offer products and services that can be customised to suit the needs of a wide range of end-users, including schools and colleges, educational institutions, as well as children, parents and teachers.
Our initiatives can be broadly classified into categories such as hands-on, experiential STEM programs, innovation and design thinking programs, teacher training, peer-to-peer learning, self-learning and media literacy. So go ahead, bring the Navam way of learning to your doorstep today!